Workshop: Creating A Bike Friendly Community
Are you an avid, occasional or wannabe cyclist?
Do you appreciate the exercise, sustainability and family/community-building benefits of cycling?
Then join Bike Mansfield in this exciting education and planning session as we work toward making Mansfield an official Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) in 2017.
In this workshop hosted by Bike Mansfield, come learn about the benefits of cycling and becoming a bike friendly community!
Become informed about the ever-increasing cycling options in the region including popular local roads, trails, parks and neighboring bicycle clubs and rides, and share your ideas for activities to promote bicycle awareness in town.
The evening will also include a review of the status of the BFC application to the League of American Bicyclists including the progress made on
Education, Enforcement, Planning, Complete Streets, and Bicycle Facilities, and will offer an update on Mansfield’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.
Lon Hultgren, a League Certified Instructor, and Amber Pierce of the US Women’s Cycling Team will lead the evening with assistance and information provided by others in area bike groups. Your ideas and energy are crucial to helping us plan activities for 2017! No pre-registration for this free program
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