Meeting Summary, December 14, 2016
Attending: Waldburger, Palmer, Gosselin, Hultgren, O’Keefe, Manizza
The meeting was begun at 6:30 pm in the Nash Zimmer Transportation Center.
The meeting summary for the November 9th meeting was reviewed and approved by consensus.
Hultgren gave a brief Treasurer’s report. O’Keefe gave the organization $60 to be used for the business membership stickers, with the understanding that he would reimbursed if possible after the membership contributions are received – this brings the amount in the Bike Mansfield bank account to $203. Hultgren said that he would prefer to have the 5013C application to the IRS made before the end of 2016, so he and Palmer set the date of December 19th to meet and file the on-line application. Hultgren will front-fund the filing fee with a donation that could be reimbursed in 2017, depending on membership receipts. The State of CT has also asked for Bike Mansfield to register with the state revenue services department, which Hultgren will do after the federal IRS application has been submitted.
Recent meetings that were attended were reported on, including the DOT design review presentation of the preliminary plans for the pedestrian/bicycle connection E-W through Bolton Notch (Waldburger), an Eastern Gateways Study public information meeting and worksession held in Coventry (Waldburger), the State’s update of its bicycle and pedestrian master plan held at ECSU (Waldburger & Hultgren), the BikeWalkCT annual meeting at CCSU (Waldburger and Manizza), and the City of Hartford’s Bicycle Friendly Community presentation at Colt Park (Manizza). Manizza also informed attendees of the upcoming national cyclocross race beginning January 3rd (a multi-day event) in Riverfront Park in Hartford, and reminded us of the weekly bicycle talk radio program on WHUS (91.7, Wed’s at 11 am;; We will be invited to discuss/update our 2017 activities in the not too distant future.
The membership plan roll-out is underway, currently Pierce has written the announcement email, Palmer and Hultgren will review needed updates to the website next week, and the program is expected to go live the last week in December. Palmer said that there are currently 131 people on the Bike Mansfield email list that will receive the electronic notice.
The March 8th winter workshop was discussed. Hultgren will give an update on the Town’s bicycle/pedestrian master plan (which he is drafting), and we will collectively update the Bicycle Friendly Community application at the January meeting (so that can reported on as well). Hultgren said he wanted to show attendees how to use Strava, Map My Ride and Ride with GPS at the meeting (via PowerPoint) and then show everyone how to retrieve, load and use rides in Mansfield that have already been mapped. Manizza said he was familiar with all of these apps and would be happy to make this presentation, so he and Hultgren will set this up for the meeting. Pierce may also be able to give an update on the women’s USA Cycling Team activities.
The deadline for workshops to be listed in the Town’s Spring (April, May, June) Recreation brochure is January 9th, but Hultgren said he thought he could get an extension to January 12th (Thurs) the day after the Bike Mansfield regular January 11th meeting (this has now been confirmed for an early AM submittal on the 12th). Topics that were tossed around included a workshop on cyclocross and possibly having the swap meet in the early spring (important note: given the deadline for workshop dates and descriptions immediately following this meeting, any ideas for spring workshops need to be developed and confirmed prior to the next meeting!).
The email survey about having a bicycle related swap meet is ready to be sent out, and Pierce will send it out in the near future. Palmer is still working on a suggested general survey which will be sent to Pierce for implementation later in 2017.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for January 11, 2017 (2nd Wed).
Lon Hultgren
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