Meeting Summary, November 9, 2016
Attending: Pierce, Weinland, Palmer, Gosselin, Hultgren
The meeting was begun at 6:30 pm in the Nash Zimmer Transportation Center.
The meeting summary for the October 19th meeting was approved by a motion by Palmer/Pierce.
Hultgren gave a brief Treasurer’s report noting that the club continued to have $143 in its checking account.
The implementation of the membership plan was discussed. Hultgren said that the PayPal account had been confirmed and was ready to receive memberships. Pierce is working on an email to announce the memberships and Palmer will be setting up the website to accept memberships via PayPal. It was suggested that when people sign up for the mailing list they automatically get the membership announcement email as well. Pierce said she would have time to layout the membership stickers in the next few weeks as well.
Planning for the March 8th winter workshop was continued. The workshop will survey where to ride in Mansfield, and speak to riding in the Tolland and Windham areas (through NERAC and TCC) as well. Updates on the Town’s bike and pedestrian master plan will be given. To make the session as interesting as possible, we will roll-out an electronic compilation of riding routes in Mansfield either in Strava, Map My Ride or both. Pierce and Hultgren will look into obtaining GPX files of these rides for exporting to both applications, and the presentation will include a “how to” section to download/use them. Pierce will explore business member participation/sponsorship in the workshop.
A bicycle-themed swap meet was discussed, now being considered for late winter or spring. Pierce said she would set up a survey for the email list to determine interest, when it might be and what it should include. A place to have it, a date and the mechanics of how people would sign up to participate is all yet to be determined.
Hultgren said he was still struggling to find the time to get working on the draft Town bike/ped master plan, but that he had the update at the March 8th workshop as a deadline! He said that the compilation of GPX files for rides in Mansfield could be used in the plan.
Palmer suggested we look at who the Bike Mansfield advocates are and what they are interested in (commuters, road riders, family riders, mt bikers, etc., etc.). Hultgren will draft up some questions for a survey and send them out for comment, and Pierce will do the final compilation for Survey Monkey.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10pm. The next meeting is scheduled for December 14th (2nd Wed).
Lon Hultgren
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