Meeting Summary January 11, 2024
Attending: Hultgren, Sarazo, Manizza, Palmer, Thorne
The meeting began at approximately 7:00pm in the lobby of the Nash-Zimmer Transportation Center.
The first organizing meeting for establishing a CWA chapter in Mansfield was confirmed for Wednesday January 18th at 10:00. Thorne said he would try to get a meeting room at the Senior Center for the meeting and emails will be sent out confirming the meeting and the location. Discussion items for the meeting were reviewed including how pilots would be trained, and Thorne said he would check with the other CT CWA chapters to see how they train their pilots. The logistics of scheduling pilots, passengers, the trishaw bike and battery storage were also discussed. Funds for insurance may be needed if a Town agency doesn’t assume overall responsibility for the program.
Hultgren updated everyone on the 4th grade bike education program which is slated to begin in late May this year. The schedule of having the bike storage trailer in time to purchase the bikes and supplies is tight and getting the trailer ordered (by the Town) is now a concern. The idea of having Middle School students paint the outside of the trailer (with illustrations of kids on bikes} was discussed and agreed that this could both save money for the wrapping and time and so this will be pursued.
Hultgren read the comments received at the November 13th Bike/Ped Master Plan public hearing and his responses for edits to the plan, He said these have been sent to the Engineering and Planning Departments for final review and incorporation in the plan so that it can be sent back to the Town Council for adoption. Other than minor changes to the plan’s recommendations, the biggest changes include (1) a recommendation for bike lanes (or at least significant improvements) on Rte 195 between Mansfield Center and the Eastbrook Mall area and (2) a call for vehicle speed enforcement while other enforcement actions are being studied.
Bike Mansfield memberships and fundraising for our continuing big projects (4th grade Bike Ed and CWA) were discussed. One-page descriptions of these projects that can be given to new/renewing business members were thought to be helpful in our canvassing and need to be prepared for use in the early part of 2024.
The meeting concluded about 7:50pm.
Lon Hultgren, Sec-Treas