Meeting Summary, July 17, 2019
Attending: Clark, Hultgren, Palmer, Gosselin, O’Keefe
The meeting was begun at 6:35 pm in the Nash Zimmer Transportation Center. The meeting summary for the June 10, 2019 meeting was reviewed and approved by consensus.
Hultgren gave a brief Treasurer’s report indicating the Lions Club training grant ($1000) was received and there was now about $1600 in the checking account with only $600 available for general use.
Waldburger reminded members that the TCC would appreciate help from Bike Mansfield members in setting up and running the TCC Century on July 28th. At least two in attendance said they would be helping.
Ideas for the public’s participation in the Bike Mansfield booth at the Sept 21st Town Festival were again discussed. Hultgren presented prices on Bike Mansfield logo water bottles, and the quantity of 150 for a total cost of about $300 was the consensus approval. A bike trivia contest at the booth with people at the festival that participate getting their names put into a drawing for three $25 local bike shop gift certificates was also favored.
Clark updated members on the UConn BFU working group’s efforts including a visit by the bicycle planner from Colorado State University (Aug 2nd walk thru the campus) and the Power Point presentation to the Transportation Board on September 9th.
The beginnings of a Mansfield map of local bike routes, points of interest for bicyclists and Bike Mansfield business members were made. Much more needs to be done on this, perhaps with a subcommittee.
The meeting was adjourned sometime after 7:30 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for the first Thursday in August, but is likely to be skipped in favor of a meeting on September 5th.
Lon Hultgren, Secretary Treasurer