Meeting Minutes, September 14, 2016
Attending: Hultgren, O’Keefe, Gosselin, Yakovleff, Weinland
The meeting was begun at 6:30 pm in the Nash Zimmer Transportation Center.
The minutes of the August 10th and June 8th meetings were reviewed and approved.
Final arrangements for the Bike Mansfield booth at the Sept 18th Town Festival on the Square were made. Set-up will start about 10:15 in concert with the 10 to 10:30 drive in time. Hultgren will bring the pop-up, table, chairs and photos for display (that were printed by Palmer). The top ten photos (of the 20 that were received) were selected at this meeting by Gosselin, O’Keefe and Weinland who had no photos in the contest.
The plan of membership draft was reviewed for a final time. Weinland suggested that all memberships be for the calendar year so that renewing memberships will happen simultaneously rather than all through the year. This will be added to the membership proposal. (By way of review, two types of memberships are being proposed – supporting members $15/year and business/organization members 30/year. The proposal will now be voted on by the Board of Directors, and if approved, will be implemented this fall. Membership fees will be used to file for a Federal tax exemption and to purchase insurance for the organization, etc.)
The fall workshop (Mechanical Maintenance) is still on schedule for October 12th at the MCC. Gosselin will do a flier for this workshop as well. (Note that the two movie presentations had to be scrapped due to showing fees, even if nothing was charged for attendance.)
A late winter workshop was discussed again, with the possibility of it being the first of an annual planning meeting as well as a membership kick-off and “meet and greet” in the transportation center.
The meeting was adjourned at about 7:15 pm. The October meeting will have to be rescheduled as it is scheduled for Wed October 12th which conflicts with the fall mechanical maintenance workshop.
Lon Hultgren
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