Meeting Notes: August 10, 2016

Attending:  Hultgren, Waldburger, Van Zelm

The meeting was begun at 6:32 pm in the Nash Zimmer Transportation Center.

The approval of the minutes of the June 8th meeting was put off to the September meeting, as many people could not attend this mid-summer meeting.

The plan of membership draft was discussed.  Two types of memberships are being proposed – supporting members ($15/year) and business/organization members ($30/year).  The proposal will now be voted on by the Board of Directors, and if approved, will be implemented this fall.  Membership fees will be used to file for a Federal tax exemption and to purchase insurance for the organization, etc.

The photo contest and the proposed rules sheet for the contest were reviewed.  The contest will include photos taken “in and near” Mansfield, rather than just in Mansfield. Photos can be submitted as email attachments or posted to the Bike Mansfield Facebook page.  The final submission date was revised to be September 12th to give a few more days to pick the best photos to be displayed in the Bike Mansfield Booth at the Celebrate Mansfield Festival on September 18th.  Hultgren will ask Gosselin to set up a couple of fliers to announce the contest and summarize the rules.  Publicity will include emails to TCC, NERAC, press releases, posts on Facebook, the Bike Mansfield website and Twitter, and postings in the Town Hall, Library, MDP kiosks, Community Center & UConn bulletin boards.

The fall workshop will be held on October 12th at the MCC.  Gosselin will be asked to do a flier for this workshop as well.  The two movie presentations had to be scrapped due to showing fees, even if nothing was charged for attendance.

Topics for winter workshops were discussed.  The concepts of a Mansfield bike enthusiasts gathering at the NZTC bike center or a Bike Mansfield “meet and greet annual meeting” seemed plausible, with topics that might include goals for next year, reviewing the draft bicycle/pedestrian master plan for Mansfield, a fundraising kick-off, an update on biking in Mansfield Parks (including signs and trail work), etc., etc.  This will be discussed again at the September meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at about 7:15 pm.  The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 pm on Wed September 14th.

Lon Hultgren

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