Revised Mansfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Ready for Public Review

Several members of Bike Mansfield have actively contributed to the creation and revision of Mansfield’s comprehensive Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan. Initially drafted in 2017 and submitted to the Town Planner, the plan had remained dormant until its recent resurgence.

In 2022, efforts to renew Mansfield’s Bicycle Friendly Community Designation reignited the initiative to revise and finalize the Master Plan. Collaborating closely with the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department and the newly-appointed Director of Planning, Bike Mansfield updated the draft, incorporating valuable feedback and content from the Town’s Transportation Advisory and Parks and Natural Resources Committees.

Final modifications, including updates to maps, were carried out by the Engineering Division in the summer of 2023. The revised Master Plan is now set for presentation to the Town Council and Planning Zoning Commission, and it is scheduled for public hearing and potential adoption this coming fall.

The final draft of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is available for public review and download on the Department of Public Works section of the Town’s website. You can view it here: Mansfield Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan.