Meeting Summary, September 6, 2018
Attending: Waldburger, Clark, Hultgren, Gosselin, Weinland
The meeting was begun at 6:33 pm in the Nash Zimmer Transportation Center. The meeting summary for the June 28, 2018 meeting was reviewed and approved by consensus.
Hultgren gave a brief Treasurer’s report indicating there was $610.70 in the checking account. 2019 membership renewal letters/requests need to be sent out soon, and the website button label needs to be modified to allow for on-line renewals.
Cory reported on the effort to help UConn with its Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) efforts noting that there had been an initial meeting on August 7th with members of several UConn departments attending, and the next meeting of this group was scheduled for September 11th at 1 PM in the Student Health Services building. Cory continues to organize and track this effort.
Hultgren said that the safety tips card is still being distributed and asked everyone to continue to make it available to places/groups where it might be needed. He said it will be available at the Bike Mansfield booth at the upcoming Festival on Sunday September 16th as well.
The People for Bikes grant application to help pay for bike parking symbols on the Town Square was discussed. Hultgren will pursue this, including getting new quotes for the symbols, and possibly getting them made on a 3D printer. (Note: the deadline for the Fall grants required a letter of interest in July, so the application will have to be made in the next round in the Spring of 2019.)
Bike education in the Mansfield Schools was discussed, and the following information is needed to proceed: The number of children in the MMS 5th grade; the names of the Physical Education Teachers who could be contacted about helping to lead this program; and the next step in the funding needed and potential sources. Hultgren and Waldburger will pursue this. Funding plans for this effort need to be developed prior to the Mansfield Lions Club grant program awards in the early Spring of 2019.
Bicycle Friendly Businesses (BFBs) were discussed, with the Adventure Park and Storrs Center Cycle being the most likely candidates. The application fee amount was not known and will be researched.
A selection meeting to pick the top 10 photographs to be displayed at the Mansfield Festival was set for 6pm on Thursday September 13th if needed.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:25 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for the 1st Thursday in October (Oct 4th).
Lon Hultgren, Secretary Treasurer