Cycling Without Age
Under the leadership of Bill Thorne, Bike Mansfield is now actively involved in establishing a Mansfield Chapter of the international organization Cycling Without Age (CWA). At this time there are three chapters in CT: One in West Hartford, one in Stonington and just recently a chapter was established in Manchester.
CWA gives bicycle rides in electric-assisted, three-wheeled, 2 passenger “rickshaws” to elderly and persons that are mobility challenged piloted by trained cyclists at slow, safe speeds. The goal of these “walking-speed” rides is simply to get folks who otherwise cannot get out to interact with the nearby community and re-experience the joys of being out in the fresh air. Appointments for these rides are made on-line as is scheduling of pilots to give the rides.
Bike Mansfield recently applied for a federal grant of $22,000 to purchase one of the electric tri-shaw bicycles (two will be needed) and a storage shed that the Mansfield CWA chapter will need. While Bill has spoken to the administrators of the Town’s Senior Center, the Mansfield Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Juniper Hill Village and the Glenn Ridge Co-ops and determined that the interest is there, but considerable work remains to organize and sponsor a local CWA chapter. This formation work should take place this Fall … contact Bike Mansfield’s Bill Thorne ( to get involved or determine the status of this effort.