Meeting Summary September 7, 2023

Attending: Hultgren, Clark, Serazo, Palmer, Gosselin,Thorne

The meeting began shortly after 7 pm in the lobby of the Nash-Zimmer Transportation Center.

Hultgren reported that most of the 4th grade bike education program funding was complete, with a few promised contributions still yet to come in. The total funds now in the Bike Mansfield checking account is $21,106 with about $18,000 received specifically for the bike education program.

The schedule for South Windsor’s 4th grade bike ed program in September and October was discussed. A number of questions were raised about how the classes were organized and whether volunteers and observers needed background checks. The coordinator for South Windsor will be contacted for more information which will be sent to members.

Cycling Without Age was discussed. A meeting with the potential participants needs to take place soon, but perhaps after the results of the ARPA grant application is known. Hultgren will check on the grant status with the Town’s new Human Services Department Head (Alison Maynard).

Hultgren showed his mock-up of the Town Bike Routes Map to members present that included the 2023 Business Member list, information on the nearby Rail Trails (Hop River and Airline) and other minor revisions. He will try to get the changes made and some revised maps printed prior to the September 30th Mansfield Festival.

Clark updated members on the progress of the UConn Bicycle Working Group which she coordinates. She said they recently met with the UConn USG which is interested in messaging students about bicycle safety and campus bike issues on a regular basis. She said that the BWG would also be working on updating the UConn bicycle web page (located in the Sustainability website area).

Hultgren said that bicycle pictures for Road, Mountain, Commuter, Fat Tire, Folding, BMX, E-Bike, Recumbent, Beach Cruiser and Tandem bicycles are needed for the identification contest and drawing for the Bike Mansfield booth at the September 30th Mansfield Festival. Palmer suggested getting pictures from Wickamedia which could be pasted onto a poster board and numbered for the ballots to be entered in the drawing. It was agreed that all participants in the contest, whether or not their answers were correct, would be eligible for the winning LBS gift certificate.

Hultgren said that the final corrections to the latest draft of the Town’s Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan were being made by the Assistant Town Engineer now and then this final draft will be placed on the DPW’s website. Once that takes place, the Town’s Director of Planning will be consulted with to schedule a public hearing/info session on the plan as it is submitted to the Town Council and PZC for adoption.

The meeting concluded shortly after 8 pm.

Lon Hultgren, Secretary Treasurer