Meeting Summary, April 4, 2019
Attending: Waldburger, Clark, Hultgren, Palmer, Jackman, Rossettie (UConn Rec) , Weinland, Gregoire (Last Green Valley)
The meeting was begun at 6:35 pm in the Nash Zimmer Transportation Center. The meeting summary for the March 7, 2019 meeting was reviewed and approved by consensus.
Hultgren gave a brief Treasurer’s report indicating there was about $1070 in the checking account, as a result of having to pay for 3 years worth of corporation reporting to the CT Sec of State at $50 per year. He said that the bill for 50% of the costs of the Town Square railing symbols was not in yet, and he expected it to be about $550.
Clark gave an update on the Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) Working Group she is working with at UConn. At its March meeting they discussed enforcement with representatives from the UConn PD. This month’s meeting is scheduled to discuss evaluation with the Sustainability Office (formerly known as the Office of Environmental Policy). Clark is still continuing efforts to find a link to the University’s administration for the BFU working group.
Hultgren reported he had sent in Bike Mansfield’s $100 support for this year’s Tour de Mansfield, but he had a schedule conflict that day and could get the table and banner to the Community Center in the early morning, but couldn’t stay. Clark, Jackman and Weinland said they could staff the table (and still ride in the Tour!}.
Hultgren said that the order for the Town Square railing bike parking symbols was going to be placed by the MDP via purchase order later this month, and Bike Mansfield will pay for half.
Hultgren said he could still register Bike Mansfield for the UConn Spring Fling event on Fairfield Way (April 16th), but he couldn’t staff the table as he would be out of town that week. Members Weinland, Palmer and Clark said they will be able to cover the staffing. Clark will also provide a questionnaire for students to determine their interest in helping with the BFU effort.
Activities for the Sept 21st Festival were discussed briefly, with no decisions made. Giveaways like reflective stickers for bikes, tire livers and pants clips were suggested and will be further reviewed for cost.
Kyle Gregoire from The Last Green Valley (TLGV) introduced himself and his organization’s geographical location (Quinebaug and Shetucket River watersheds) and mission (environmental conservation and historical preservation) and then led a discussion about their current planning process and Bike Mansfield’s particular items of interest which included the UConn BFU effort; completing connections in the areas bike paths and routes (including some N-S and E-W continuity); bike education and awareness; bike-safe locations in Mansfield; and bike tourism. Gregoire offered help through TLGV’s website calendar, their ongoing publicity of events and the Walktober events in the fall. He said that their draft plan should be available this fall and will be sent to all 25 or so community groups (like Bike Mansfield) they had talked to.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:40 pm. Pending any rescheduling, the next meeting will be Thursday May 2nd.
Lon Hultgren, Secretary Treasurer