Meeting Summary, March 6, 2023

Attending: Hultgren, Clark, Waldburger, Valentine, Belliveau, Gosselin, O’Keefe, Serazo

The meeting began at approximately 7:05 pm in the lobby of the Nash-Zimmer Transportation Center.

Hultgren updated members on he and O’Keefe’s canvassing of business members and progress made setting up the crowdfunding page for the SustainableCT matching grant. He said he would be meeting soon with the Patronicity “coach” to go over the funding page, and that he needed a couple of “kids on bikes” pictures for the page. He also said the Bike Mansfield logo wasn’t fitting on the page, and the giving levels had to be revised (both of which were minor problems). Belliveau said she could help publicize the funding campaign on social media. Hultgren will get her the log-ins for Bike Mansfield’s accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. A meeting with Belliveau and the Town’s social media/communications person is scheduled for later in March. It was suggested that Bolton’s bike advocacy group’s social media presence was very good and we might want to talk to them about boosting Bike Mansfield’s efforts in this area.

Clark reported that the UConn Bicycle Working Group was staying active and talking with UConn administrators about what could be implemented easily (and cheaply) from the recently completed Active Transportation Plan. Hultgren shared the subcommittee’s revised four “value statements” outlining why Town and UConn coordination of bicycle and active transportation is needed and important. He said that he is working with the Town DPW and Town Manager to determine which Town/UConn committee would be the appropriate vehicle to begin this effort.

The Town advisory committee review of the redrafted Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan was discussed. A presentation by/with the Town DPW staff will be needed at the March 21st Parks and Recreation Committee meeting and at the April 13th Transportation Advisory Committee meeting.

Upcoming events were noted: UConn’s Community Ride Day (April 16th – at which the USG has asked Bike Mansfield to speak – Hultgren, Clark and Manizza will do this), UConn’s Spring Fling celebrating Earth Day/week (April 19th on Fairfield Way), and the Ride of Silence on May 17th.

The meeting concluded at about 7:50 pm.

Lon Hultgren, Secretary Treasurer